Singapore Malayalee Association

Meet the Authors

  • 7 Aug 2021
  • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Online Event


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Meet the Authors

Singapore Malayalee Literary Form (SMLF) is reviewing Singapore author Kamaladevi Aravindan's ‘SEMBAWANG-A Novel’ on 7th Aug (Saturday) @6:30pm. Mr. Viswa Sadasivan(former Nominated MP, Singapore) is the Keynote Speaker. The author Kamaladevi and the translator Anitha Devi Pillai shall also be joining the online session. Pls mark the calendar and attend if this is of your interest.

The novel is a nice narrative which depicts the Malayalee/other Indian communities’ life set in Singapore in 1960-70s. We may be able to identify a number of historical events, landmarks and people in this fascinating work and it is an “essential reading for any Singaporean”, “valuable not only as lively fiction but as a realistic documentation of a forgotten segment of Singapore history”. It's a work which enables readings in multiple angles and special mention needed on the superb translation done by Dr. Anitha Devi Pillai Please mark your calendar and join us on the online event on the Saturday, 7th August 630PM.

Zoom Link:-

Meeting ID: 974 9077 1830 Passcode: 903118

Singapore Malayalee Association